Department of Medicine
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Department of Medicine

Faculty Profiles

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photo Shaohu Sheng, MD


Research Associate Professor of Medicine


Phone: 412-648-9295

Office: S929 Scaife Hall
3550 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Phone: 412-648-9295
Fax: 412-383-8956
Education and Training
M.S., Shandong Medical University, P.R. China, 1986
M.D., Binzhou Medical College, P.R. China, 1983
Post-doctoral researcher, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1993
Post-doctoral researcher, University of Pennsylvania, 2000
Research Interest
Dr. Sheng’s research focuses on structure-function relationship and regulation of epithelial sodium channels. He and his colleagues continued the investigation of functional roles of individual subdomains within the extracellular regions of the sodium channels. His group also continued a study to characterize the genetic variants of human epithelial sodium channel genes and examine the roles of specific variants in blood pressure regulation using knock-in mouse models.
For my complete bibliography, Click Here.
Selected Publications:
Sheng, S., Maarouf, A.B., Bruns, J.B., Hughey, R.P., Kleyman, T.R. Functional role of extracellular loop cysteine residues of the epithelial Na+ channel in Na+ self-inhibition. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2007; 282(28): 20180-90.
Maarouf, A.B., Sheng, N., Chen, J., Winarski, K.L., Okumura, S., Carattino, M.D., Boyd, C.R., Kleyman, T.R., Sheng, S. Novel determinants of epithelial sodium channel gating within extracellular thumb domains. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2009; 284(12): 7756-65.
Winarski, K.L., Sheng, N., Chen, J., Kleyman, T.R., Sheng, S. Extracellular allosteric regulatory subdomain within the gamma subunit of the epithelial Na+ channel. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2010; 285(35): 26088-96.
Shi, S., Ghosh, D.D., Okumura, S., Carattino, M.D., Kashlan, O.B, Sheng, S., Kleyman, T.R. Base of the thumb domain modulates epithelial sodium channel gating. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2011; 286(17): 14753-61.
Chen, J., Myerburg, M.M., Passero, C.J., Winarski, K.L., Sheng, S. External Cu2+ inhibits human epithelial Na+ channels by binding at a subunit interface of extracellular domains. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2011; 286(31): 27436-46.
Chen, J., Winarski, K.L., Myerburg, M.M., Pitt, B.R., Sheng,S. Probing the structural basis of Zn2+ regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2012; 287(42): 35589-98.
Chen, J., Kleyman, T.R., Sheng, S. Gain-of-function variant of the human epithelial sodium channel. American journal of physiology. 2013; 304(2): F207-13.
Warnock, D.G., Kusche-Vihrog, K., Tarjus, A., Sheng, S., Oberleithner, H., Kleyman, T.R., Jaisser, F. Blood pressure and amiloride-sensitive sodium channels in vascular and renal cells. Nature reviews. Nephrology. 2014; 10(3): 146-57.
Chen, J., Kleyman, T.R., Sheng, S. Deletion of a-subunit exon 11 of the epithelial Na+ channel reveals a regulatory module. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology. 2014; 306(5): F561-7.
Chen, J., Ray, E.C., Yates, M.E., Buck, T.M., Brodsky, J.L., Kinlough, C.L., Winarski, K.L., Hughey, R.P., Kleyman, T.R., Sheng, S. Functional Roles of Clusters of Hydrophobic and Polar Residues in the Epithelial Na+ Channel Knuckle Domain. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015; 290(41): 25140-50.
Sponsored Research/Activities
Title: Role of GRP170 in ENaC Biogenesis and Renal Physiology
Role: Co-Investigator
Funding Agency: National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Disease
Grant Number: R01 DK117126
Start Year: 2019
End Year: 2024
Title: ENaC regulation and its role in blood pressure homeostasis
Role: Co-Investigator
Funding Agency: National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute/ National Institute of Health
Grant Number: R01 HL147818
Start Year: 2019
End Year: 2023
Title: Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research
Role: Co-Investigator
Funding Agency: National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Disease
Grant Number: P30 DK079307
Start Year: 2018
End Year: 2023
Notable Achievements
Member, American Physiological Society, 2001-present
Member, Biophysical Society, 2001-present
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2002-present
Member, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2012-present
Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology, 2007-2016
Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Renal and Epithelial Physiology, 2010-present